Tuesday, July 28, 2009

2 Nieces & A Little Chickie

This past weekend my brother & sister-in-law came down with their two girls to meet baby Gwyn or as Carson calls her, "little Chickie." They are the sweetest girls I just love them SOOOO much and it was so good to see them. Of course we had to go to Hershey and to Chocolate World where they could ride the chocolate ride and get their piece of candy. We ended up riding the ride twice and the candy after each ride plus the cupcake we had for a treat made for a very lively afternoon with these two!

They were so sweet with Gwyn and loved to help me and hold her. One afternoon while Gwyn was napping I suddenly heard a little voice over the monitor making sounds. Taryn went up to Gwyn's room and there was Kendall in there making noises and faces at her and Gwyn was totally lying in her crib laughing and smiling at her. It was the CUTEST!

It was so nice to see James & Taryn and have a great weekend with the girls. We can't wait for their little one to arrive at Christmas!

Here are some pics from their visit.

Gwyn just loves her cousins! I love how she is just staring at Carson in this picture.
Thanks for coming guys, we love you and come visit again soon!

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

One Month

I took Gwyn to get her one month pictures taken and I just thought I would share since they are too cute!  Yes, I realize I am her mother but come on...what baby in a diaper isn't the cutest?
She is changing so fast, I feel like I am going to blink my eyes and she will be off at college!